Liturgical Ministries

Altar Linen Care

Linen care ministers are responsible for washing and ironing the altar linens that are used throughout the week for all liturgical services.

Altar Servers

Altar Servers assist the Celebrant during the Mass and at other liturgical services. Boys, girls, men, and women who have received their First Eucharist are encouraged and invited to become Altar Servers. Training is provided throughout the year and a retreat is held yearly. Servers are scheduled for weekend Masses with consideration given to their family’s usual Mass attendance times.

Altar Society

The Holy Spirit Altar Society serves as the core group of dedicated parishioners who maintain the Church sanctuary and care for all items required in liturgical celebrations. The membership circles are responsible for the weekly sanctuary cleaning, all altar linens, maintaining priest, deacon and altar server vestments, floral arrangements, the Christmas Nativity scene, Lenten ashes and palms, hosting wedding parties, bibs for infant baptisms, and so much more.

Art & Environment

Art and Environment ministers aid in preparing the Church as a pleasant and inspiring place to give praise to our God as we move through the liturgical seasons throughout the year. It is a way to serve God through your creativity and talents.

Extraordinary Ministers of Communion

The Extraordinary Ministers of Communion ensure that the Communion Rite takes place in a length of time that is not out of proportion to the whole liturgy. Those who are called to this ministry must know how to be truly present to those brothers and sisters with whom they share this very Body and Blood of Christ. They not only acclaim their own faith in saying “Body of Christ,” they call forth the faith of the one receiving. Ministry formation and training sessions are offered in the Spring and in the Fall, with the expectation of yearly attendance. Each minister must renew his/her commission each year. Any person wishing to serve as an Extraordinary Minister of Communion must be an active, practicing Catholic, have received the Sacrament of Confirmation, and must be over the age of 16; if married, the marriage must be recognized by the Catholic Church. Letter from Bishop Gary.

Hospitality Ministers (Ushers)

Hospitality Ministers (Ushers) are the first people you meet when you arrive at the Church on Sundays. They welcome everyone, assist with seating, gather the collection, assist with the Presentation of the Gifts and the communion processions, distribute bulletins, and generally assist the congregation throughout the flow of the liturgy. This is an important and rewarding ministry for both adults and young people. It is a special opportunity for families to minister together.

Media Ministry

Our mission is to lead people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ by creating a dynamic environment for authentic worship and effective communication while developing a genuine community with each other. This ministry supports alls facets of Sunday Service, as well as special programs. We believe we are successful when our work goes unnoticed, that is when worshipers can focus on God’s word without any sound or visual equipment interruption.

Ministers of the Word (Lectors)

Ministers of the Word (Lectors) are not merely interesting oral readers of the Bible. They provide effective proclamation of God’s Word in Scripture. Effective proclamation of the Scriptures depends on the quality of how the lector prepares to minister to the congregation. Lectors prepare fully prior to their assigned Mass and many attend weekly Bible Study. This ministry is open to all baptized adults and teenagers. Training and commissioning take place twice a year.

Ministry to the Homebound

Our parish has an active lay group of men and women who provide pastoral care to parishioners who are confined to their home or residential care facility by illness or the infirmities of age. These ministers are people who have chosen to reach out with gentle and tender hands to offer Jesus to those who are sick and suffering. Their call is to share the journey of others by offering the Eucharist and by offering their presence for a chat, prayer, or an understanding moment.

Music Ministry

Our Music Ministry Ministers seek to encourage the congregation’s “full, conscious and active participation” in the liturgical life of the church, especially as it pertains to music. Our Music Ministry provides liturgical music for the regular weekend Masses and other occasions. From choirs to cantors to instrumentalists, our parish is blessed with a dynamic range of musical gifts. All ages are welcome to share their gifts through this ministry.

Sacristan Ministry

Sacristans assist the clergy and the assembly of faithful in the Eucharistic celebrations and other liturgical celebrations. The duties of the Sacristan are carried out under the direction of the Director of Worship. Sacristans assist in the preparation of the sanctuary for the liturgical celebration and in the coordination of the various ministries assisting. Although the responsibilities are varied, the importance of the sacristan ministry can not be understated. The sacristan ministry assists the assembly in celebrating this life with Christ and thus enabling the liturgy to “flow properly”.

If you are interested in receiving more information or if you wish to volunteer for a ministry,
please contact one of our ministry leaders by visiting our Parish Contacts page.