Family Life

Bereavement Ministry

This ministry is a service to those who have lost a loved one. The ministry sends notes of condolence, Mass cards, and “Care Notes” on bereavement to the next of kin and anyone expressing the need for support. The service includes personal contact that continues for three to four months after death. Group members remain in touch by sending cards on the death anniversary of the loved one.

Grief Support Group

This support group is designed to help people understand the process of grieving after losing a loved one. Their focus is on healing while connecting with others who are also grieving. Members find support from each other. This group meets every six months, or as necessary.

Life Beyond Divorce

Life Beyond Divorce is a four-part series for those who are divorced, in the process of divorce, or those who have remarried and are still struggling with a previous divorce.  Healing begins through the reconciliation of self and others.  We will meet on four consecutive Saturday mornings from 8:30 a.m.-1 p.m.

Declaration of Invalidity of Marriage Workshops (commonly called the annulment process) are held periodically throughout the year.  For more information call the Faith Formation Office at (210) 341-1397.

LOVESTRONG Marriage Ministry

We see it almost every day: Marriage is under attack by our society. Its sanctity is doubted and even ridiculed. Its foundation has been severely weakened. What can we do to protect this institution of marriage that we hold so dear? LOVESTRONG in our marriage, and help as many others as we can to LOVE STRONG in their marriages as well.

The purpose of the LOVESTRONG Marriage Ministry is simple: to strengthen the Christ-centered love and relationships between married men and women in our Parish. Strong marriages make strong families, and strong families are the cornerstones of a vibrant and dynamic Catholic community.

The LOVESTRONG Marriage Retreat is a Friday evening to Sunday afternoon weekend hosted by Holy Spirit Catholic Church layperson married couples. This wonderful 3-day event celebrates the purpose of your marriage and the love you share while allowing you both the flexibility to spend the evenings together at home.

The LOVESTRONG Marriage Retreat is packed with special presentations, exercises, music, and activities designed to celebrate and reinforce each couple’s commitment to each other and a deepening of their Christ-centered bond.

Following the inaugural LOVESTRONG Marriage Retreat, monthly LOVESTRONG Date Night meetings will take place on the second Friday of each month. The LOVESTRONG Date Night meetings function as a recurring follow-on to the Retreat Experience, or as a stand-alone opportunity for married couples to further edify and spiritually strengthen their marriage.

Give each other the gift of TIME TOGETHER and enjoy a weekend and/or a Date Night together celebrating your marriage!

You are cordially invited to join us for the next Holy Spirit LOVESTRONG Marriage Retreat scheduled for October 21-23, 2024. More information and registration forms can be obtained on this website, or you can email us at