

Adults who have never been baptized participate in the RCIA process – the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. This process requires a formal preparation period for interested women and men [18 years of age and older]. Inquirers are presented the official doctrines and teachings of the Catholic Church through attendance at weekly sessions [catechesis], Bible study [scripture], Mass attendance [liturgy], prayer forms [spiritual development], and community service [social justice]. Adults are prepared for all three Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist [Communion]. Adults who have been baptized in other recognized non-Catholic Christian religions, and who are interested in becoming Catholic, may also participate in the RCIA process. They are prepared to make a formal, professed belief in the Catholic Church and to receive the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist. This special celebration for adults takes place yearly at the Easter Vigil liturgy on Holy Saturday. Contact the Faith Formation Office for more information.

Teens & Children Over 7 Years

Teens and children older than 7 years of age who have never been baptized participate in the RCIA process as adapted for Children. This process requires two years of formal preparation during which the youth are taught the official doctrines and teachings of the Catholic Church through attendance at weekly classes. The first year is focused on general Church teachings. The second year, they are prepared for all three Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist [Communion]. The special celebration for these sacraments takes place yearly at the Easter Vigil liturgy on Holy Saturday. Teens and older children who want to be Catholic but have been baptized in other non-Catholic religions may also participate in the RCIA/C process. Contact the Faith Formation Office for more information.

Infants & Young Children

Baptism Process 

  1. Call us to schedule an appointment with the next deacon available.
  2. Ask and fill out the Registration Form that is provided by the Secretary at the Parish’s Office Reception. If the child is under age 7, bring back all the documentation needed and sign up for baptismal prep. class.
  3. Attend and sign up your attendance to the class. You’ll receive a certificate.
  4. After all of the paperwork has been completed and turned in to the Church Office, please call Letty Spain at [210] 341-1395, ext. 8360 to schedule a date for baptism.


  1. Must be catholic, registered in the church, and practicing their faith. Please provide a letter from
  2. Must have completed all the sacraments of Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation. Please, provide certificates. 
  3. If married, must be married in the Catholic Church or receive permission to do otherwise. Please, provide certificates.
  4. Single Catholics who meet requirements of 1 and 2 above are eligible. Catholics who are single but living together [as husband and wife] are not eligible to be godparents.
  5. A non-Catholic may serve as a Christian witness but must be baptized and practice their faith. 

 Proceso de Bautismo 

  1. Llámenos para programar una cita con el próximo diácono disponible.
  2. Pregunte y llene el Formulario de Registro que es proporcionado por la secretaria en la Recepción de las Oficinas de la Parroquia. Si el niño es menor de 7 años, traer de vuelta toda la documentación necesaria y registrarse para la clase de preparación bautismal.
  3. Asiste y registra tu asistencia a la clase. Recibirás un certificado.
  4. Ya que todos los documentos han sido sometidos a la oficina de la parroquia, por favor llame a Letty Spain al [210] 341-1395, ext. 8360 para programar una fecha para el bautismo.


  1. Debe ser católico, registrado en la iglesia y practicar su fe. Por favor, proporcione una carta de la parroquia.
  2. Haber completado todos los sacramentos del Bautismo, la Primera Comunión y la Confirmación. Por favor, proporcione certificados. 
  3. Si está casado, debe estar casado en la Iglesia Católica o recibir permiso para hacer lo contrario. Por favor, proporcione certificados.
  4. Son elegibles los católicos solteros que cumplan con los requisitos de 1 y 2 anteriores. Los católicos que son solteros pero que viven juntos [como marido y mujer] no son elegibles para ser padrinos.
  5. Un no católico puede servir como testigo cristiano, pero debe ser bautizado y practicar su fe.

Contact the Faith Formation Office at [210] 341-1397 for more information, and visit our Infant Baptism Requirements.